Harlequin Hare creates custom internet sites Using animation, graphics, HTML, perl to define interactive online forms and functionality for high performance
       Specializing in custom web sites, created to suit your needs

Improve advertising and attract new customers with our web sites

Harlequin Hare Design has brought many organizations and companies into the 21st century for over 20 years by creating innovative and exciting web sites for their businesses and endeavors.

We're proud of revolutionizing technology for firms with pre-WWW concepts of advertising and communications, and facilitating advances by upstart firms to evolve into major online retail presences.

But now, the time has come for us to take down our virtual shingle and pass the torch to newer developers of internet communication strategies. We thank our clients for their years of devotion and appreciate every opportunity afforded to us across the globe.

While we will continue to provide access to services for existing clients - namely, hosting and domain renewal - we will no longer be taking on new projects, clients, or work in an effort to generate income.

Best wishes to everyone, and may entrepreneurial spirit and success prosper for new adventurers!